EcoAldea 8va Vida Panamá


Come create community.

8th Life Panama is a permaculture-based Eco-village Project in formation. We're designing our intentional community to provide a social support structure and a low impact lifestyle for our members, residents, volunteers and guests. We envision an intentional rural community where the values and ideals of community, respect, peace, and living an “on-purpose” life will be rediscovered by the diverse, multigenerational group of people who’ve joined us.

We are currently forming our core team.

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We can live more lightly.

As human beings we weren’t designed to live disconnected from nature and each other. As a society we’ve gone astray and as a result we’re damaging our mother earth and soon she won’t be able to sustain human life. We seem to have also lost the ability to relate with one another as human beings.

It’s time to transition from a destructive society to a sustainable world. We need to stop the destruction, build soil, restore ecosystems, heal our addictions, change organizational structures of the global economy, & learn to live in community.

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Be a steward and protector.

Our Eco-village land, Finca Ubuntu, is 21Ha of rolling hills, grasslands and forests bordered by a river and stream. It is located 11 km from the town of Antón Panama, which is 2.5hrs from Panama City.

The finca, which was in its natural state when we acquired it, now has a .5Ha food forest, bunkhouse, kitchen, common room, nursery, and toolshed. There's electricity, well water, raised bed gardens, and a camping area as well as lots of areas under reforestation.

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  • “… El mayor cambio que tenemos que hacer es desde el consumo hasta la producción, aunque sea a pequeña escala, en nuestros propios jardines.

    Si sólo el 10% de nosotros hace esto, hay suficiente para todos”

    Bill Mollison – father of permaculture
  • “Algunas personas buscan un lugar bello, otros embellecen a cualquier lugar.”

    Hazrat Inayat Khan – founder of The Sufi Order in the West
  • “La tarea de un activista no es de navigar los sistemas de poder opresivo con la mayor cantidad de integridad posible; es de desmontar estos sistemas.”


    Lierre Keith – writer, radical feminist, food activist, and environmentalist

¿Esto es para tí?

Buscamos a visionarios; personas con un espiritu emprendedor quienes, como nosotros, creen que
es tiempo de transicionar de una sociedad destructiva a un mundo sostenible.
