8th Life Panama EcoVillage

From the blog

Holistic Management

Holistic Management is another name for Integral Permaculture (only IP includes a few more models, the aims are the same: to integrate all the quadrants to design for sustainability), and one of the great pioneers we are learning from is Allan Savory. If you have to see only one of the[…]

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From “Collapsing Consciously”

Extract from an e-book by Carolyn Baker: Anyone who is paying attention to the converging crises of our planet rapidly becomes aware, if he or she isn’t already, that industrial civili­zation has infantilized its inhabitants. As someone has said, we are a culture of two-year-olds that refuses to accept limits.[…]

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We're looking for visionaries; people with an entrepreneurial spirit who believe, like we do, that
it's time to transition from a destructive society to a sustainable world.